Daily Show - Donald J Trump Presidential Twitter Library


This is what has continuously been going through my head for the last week or so since a pivotal event cemented our fate and the end of the planet as we know it. 

The appointment of BJ.

Now I am not talking about blow jobs or anything like that as that may be a more interesting discussion to have but the BJ I am talking about is Boris Johnson. Yup, the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris, BoJo or better yet the bumbling buffoon. 

A nickname that has been given to the newly appointed leader of the UK who is more famous for his political gaffes than his leadership. His shining moments would be the time when he called the people of the Congo, “people with watermelon smiles” or even when he compared Burqa wearers to letterboxes before proceeding to reference Nazi-style punishment beatings concerning the European Union and the failed Brexit deal.

Who would have thought that this point in history we would have been in a situation where we have not just one, but two middle-aged white bumbling racist idiots ruling two of the most influential countries in the world.

Trump and Boris. #WTF

This situation is so scary that it feels like it could be a big stitch up that someone is playing on the entire planet, which is just not cool. But I suppose during times like these the only thing that will get us through this would be our ability to laugh about it. Which is exactly what the Daily Show and the likes of Trevor Noah continue to do and in 2018 they really nailed it when they took it to the next level.

Presenting The Donald J Trump Presidential Twitter Library by the Daily Show. A celebration of the President of America’s greatest literature all in one place, using the very medium he is known for.


The collection featured President Trump’s musings in all its idiotic glory from the non-sensical to the downright racist. All curated within golden frames to celebrate his greatest works of art just like you would see in an art gallery. The best thing about this 3-day event was where it was held, right across the road from the Trump Tower in New York.

In here they did funny things like the “deleted but not forgotten” tweets as well as the big steel vault in which Trumps tax returns are hidden from the public never to be revealed. Then for good measure, you could pose as Trump tweeting in the oval office, wig and all.

The library was such a hit with the public reaching over 480 thousand engagements with 336 million media impressions in just 3 days. It also quickly became the topic of conversation globally with every news channel having something to say about it. The Huffington Post even called it “the most impressive satire…to date.” Which it is.

The final touch, every time Trump tweeted a red strobe light with an alarm would go off in the library and all the focus would be on a large screen featuring the latest 140 character greatness in all its glory.

So, even though the world is in a downward spiral led by these two bumbling idiots there is only one thing to do, have more fun and make people laugh.



Copyright 2018 Gary Steele
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